“Love In Fellowship & Truth”
L.I.F.T is a ministry dedicated to growing and serving the young adults here at Westside. Our name stands for “Love In Fellowship & Truth”. Our mission is to fulfill those three core values as we also hold to our church’s mission of loving God and loving people.
LOVE Is exemplified through ministry opportunities. Loving the body of believers through acts of service and ministry opportunities at our church, as well as loving our community through outreach and specific external ministry events.
FELLOWSHIP happens when we purpose to grow our relationships with each other surrounded by the focus on growing our relationships with God. From bonfires to baseball games we seek to have a fun and inviting atmosphere of regular events throughout the year. Our events range from in house celebrations to external fun activities and events, all while remaining purposeful in edifying the body of Christ.
TRUTH happens on Monday’s at 6:30PM. We gather to discuss God’s Word.
We hangout and have a good time with food and fellowship while we open the Bible together. This results in lively conversation and opportunities to ask questions and discuss together the passage we are reading.